- A detailed analytical overview of available information sources helped to identify actual technical and methodical problems in research on the human vestibular system and determine a research area of the Laboratory in scientific community. We conducted patent research and specified the competitive advantages of proposed solutions.
- Data on the human body motion at certain points during the maintenance of balance allowed us to create a physical and mathematical model for quantitative evaluation of postural tests’ parameters. Quantitative evaluation aims to compare the patient’s body motion at certain points with the reference group. Obtained quantitative data may be further used in processing of statistical results and development of decision-making models based on discriminant analysis.
- The research group of the Laboratory developed a unique 3D geometrical model of the semicircular canals (SCC). The model provides geometrical description of internal and external surfaces of the main anatomical components of SCC and physical parameters of some tissues and biological liquids.
- The laboratory staff conducted a series of research and newly developed functional tests to evaluate the residual vestibular function in patients selected for implantation. This allowed us to develop and apply vestibular implants (VI).
- Modelling of the vestibular function was performed to optimise the transfer of functions into VI.
- A detailed kinetic model of non-equilibrium plasma with predetermined properties for biomedical applications was developed. The model serves as a basis for developing plasma chemical reactors and modelling active components in medium with predetermined properties affecting life processes of biological objects.
- The team of researchers investigated the role of hemocirculation disorders in development of the syndrome of vestibulopathy under chronic cerebral ischemia. They identified cerebroprotective and regenerative effects of alkaloid Z77 under experimental cerebral ischemia and its impact on the growth ability of neural stem cells.
- The Laboratory conducted the research on fundamental mechanisms underlying the regulatory effect of galectin on differentiation, apoptosis and functional activity of lymphocyte to perform the modelling of immunodependent pathological processes and development of new pharmacological approaches to treatment of socially significant diseases. Of particular importance is the search for key-mechanisms of extra- and intracellular signal transduction involving cytokines, galectins, heat-shock proteins, gas transmitters, transcription factors, and apoptosis proteins under the influence of physiological factors and developing pathological processes on the cell. We detected the targets for correction of homeostasis disorders in cells at molecular genetic, subcellular and cellular levels to develop strategies for controlling apoptosis, proliferation, differentiation and communication of immunocompetent blood cells under infectious and non-infectious socially significant diseases. The Laboratory studies confirmed that lymphocytes lacking phenotypic markers of T-cells are the main cytokine-producing cells at tuberculosis.
- Modern highly informative and sensitive methods providing reproducibility and reliability of results allowed us to obtain new fundamental knowledge about galectins as factors capable of regulating differentiation and programmed death of CD4+ T-С lymphocytes involved in pathogenesis of socially significant diseases. For the first time, the Laboratory research team identified the role of donor of intracellular gas transmitters in mitochondrial and receptor-mediated pathways of apoptosis realisation of the Jurkat line cells. Proapoptotic effect of these donors is dose-dependent and specific to cell cultures.
- Collaboration between Tomsk State University and Maastricht University enabled the creation of advanced information and telecommunication infrastructure that provides remote access to high-performance resources of the partnering universities by means of cloud technologies. It allows TSU scientists to conduct studies using special equipment of the Maastricht University Medical Centre. There were successful experiments on on-line data processing and data transmission from the Maastricht University MRI Research Centre to the virtual machine of TSU Data Centre. The Supercomputer and the Data Centre may significantly improve results of research.
- Master’s Programme Physics Methods and Information Technologies in Biomedicine was launched to provide specialists able to use modern equipment and conduct the experiments in medical centres. The programme is supported by the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (UM) and the Department of General and Experimental Physics (TSU). The programme is based on the Master’s Programme Biomedical Sciences (UM) and Physics Methods and Information Technologies in Biomedicine (TSU). In 2014 three TSU students went to Maastricht University for the second academic year within the programme. At the same time, three postgraduate students entered the postgraduate programme at TSU Physics Faculty. Their study focuses on modern methods of diagnostic research in biomedicine. Moreover, Raymond van de Berg, faculty member of Maastricht University, entered the PhD programme to enhance the development of joint PhD programmes.
- The Laboratory staff conducted the research on improvement of diagnostic tests based on determination of human vestibular thresholds, which allowed us to improve the transfer function of the VI three electrodes with minimal crosstalk.
- We developed a method for evaluating the functional state of vestibular system. The method is based on stabilography, eye movement detection, electroencephalography, and markerless human motion capture.
- We designed and created the virtual reality environment to evaluate the correlation between proprioceptive system and visual and vestibular analysers.
- We developed a method of quantitative evaluation of balance maintenance function based on non-contact measurement of the trajectory of motion points during postural tests.
- We filled the reference database of clinically uniform groups that encompass measurement data on motion trajectory of points during postural tests, results of stabilography and clinical research.
- We developed technology for plasma creation with predetermined spatial distribution parameters of biologically active particles in the torch of plasma chemical reactor.
- The team of researchers investigated the role of hemocirculation disorders in development of the syndrome of vestibulopathy under chronic cerebral ischemia and developed new methods for activating the regenerative potential of progenitor cells to restore functions in ischemic tissues.
- We identified clinical and neurological, neurovestibular and instrumental parameters of diagnosis of bilateral vestibular dysfunction. We defined the parameters for neurovegetative and vestibular sensitivity in patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction in order to exclude those who are sensitive to side effects during vestibular implantation. We designed a medical examination protocol for diagnosing patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction and neurovestibular disorders.
- We developed a simulation model of the vestibular labyrinth based on geometrical models synthesised from MRI images, mathematical model of mechanoreceptors and motor reactions using nonlinear transfer functions and multiple-loop feedback circuits on the body spatial position.

The Laboratory publishes a large number of articles in scientific journals indexed by Web of Science and Scopus and has more than 20 publications with TSU affiliation.
The employees of Siberian State Medical University were engaged into the Laboratory according to the Contract on Research and Development No 8456/215 dated December 12, 2015.
The Laboratory was a part of the organising committee of II International Conference Social Sciences and Medical Innovations: How to Work Together?, International Seminar Fundamental Research and Development in Biomedicine, XIV International Research Conference and Exhibition Development of Unified Educational Information Environment held at TSU. The international landmark events help to present our research results at the international level.
The Laboratory has its own website that provides more detailed information about research fields, education, scientific projects and grants supported by domestic and overseas partners. Regularly updated news and topical information contribute to the promotion of the Laboratory worldwide.
In September, 2015 Master’s Programme Physics Methods and Information Technologies in Biomedicine was launched to provide specialists able to use modern equipment and conduct the experiments in medical centres. The programme is realised by the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (UM) and the Department of General and Experimental Physics (TSU). The programme is based on the Master’s Programme Biomedical Sciences (UM) and Physics Methods and Information Technologies in Biomedicine (TSU).
To date, the Laboratory has 2 postgraduate students working on their PhD Theses in Biomedicine.
Development of new methods for evaluating the functional state of vestibular system enables early diagnosis of balance disorders. It also helps to identify the reasons behind them. Rehabilitation system provides drug-free correction of functional vestibular disorders, which may have positive effect on the quality of life of patients with vestibular disorders.
Research results may be applied to the improvement of vestibular disorders diagnosis and development of surgical equipment for restoring vestibular function.