Van Steen Abraham Christoffel Ignatius
The first level of education: Maastricht University, Bachelor
He graduated Tomsk State University and Maastricht University in 2017.
He got two diplomas (State documents) and degrees of Master in the area of Physics in TSU indicating educational programme «Physics methods and informational technologies in biomedicine» and Master biomedical sciences in UM indicating educational programme «Biomedicine in Life Sciences».
He defended Master’s Thesis on topic «Live Cell imaging reveals dynamic cell response to microstructured topographies».
Current position: University of Amsterdam, researcher.
Starkov Dmitrii
The first level of education: National Research Tomsk State University, Faculty of Physics, bachelor.
He graduated Tomsk State University and Maastricht University in 2017.
He got two diplomas (State documents) and degrees of Master in the area of Physics in TSU indicating educational programme «Physics methods and informational technologies in biomedicine» and Master biomedical sciences in UM indicating educational programme «Biomedicine in Life Sciences».
He defended Master’s Thesis on topic «Modeling the vestibular semicircular canal and development of new signal analysis techniques to optimise the design and function of a vestibular implant».
Current position: Maastricht University, researcher.
Gulaia Valeriia
The first level of education: Siberian State Medical University, Medico-Biological Faculty, specialist.
She graduated Tomsk State University and Maastricht University in 2017.
She got two diplomas (State documents) and degrees of Master in the area of Physics in TSU indicating educational programme «Physics methods and informational technologies in biomedicine» and Master biomedical sciences in UM indicating educational programme «Biomedicine in Life Sciences».
She defended Master’s Thesis on topic «Preclinical development of bispecific antibodies for cancer therapy and implementation of fluorophore selection tool for multicolor immunostaining».
Current position:
Solomina Yevgeniya
The first level of education: National Research Tomsk State University, Institute of Biology, Bachelor.
She graduated Tomsk State University and Maastricht University in 2018.
She got two diplomas (State documents) and degrees of Master in the area of Physics in TSU indicating educational programme «Physics methods and informational technologies in biomedicine» and
Master biomedical sciences in UM indicating educational programme «Biomedicine in Life Sciences».
She defended Master’s Thesis on topic «Which phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) isoform to target for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)?».
Current position:
Kuznetsov Kirill

The first level of education: National Research Tomsk State University, Faculty of Physics, Bachelor.
He graduated Tomsk State University and Maastricht University in 2018.
He got two diplomas (State documents) and degrees of Master in the area of Physics in TSU indicating educational programme «Physics methods and informational technologies in biomedicine» and
Master biomedical sciences in UM indicating educational programme «Biomedicine in Life Sciences».
He defended Master’s Thesis on topic «Electrical conductivity model of the human vestibular organ».
Current position:
Ekaterina Shmidt

The first level of education: National Research Tomsk State University, Faculty of Physics, Bachelor.
She graduated Tomsk State University and Maastricht University in 2018.
She got two diplomas (State documents) and degrees of Master in the area of Physics in TSU indicating educational programme «Physics methods and informational technologies in biomedicine» and
Master biomedical sciences in UM indicating educational programme «Biomedicine in Life Sciences».
She defended Master’s Thesis on topic «Modeling the effect of physical activity level on the thermal neutral zone».
Current position:
Roest Natascha

The first level of education: Maastricht University, Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences.
She graduated Tomsk State University and Maastricht University in 2018.
She got two diplomas (State documents) and degrees of Master in the area of Physics in TSU indicating educational programme «Physics methods and informational technologies in biomedicine» and
Master biomedical sciences in UM indicating educational programme «Biomedicine in Life Sciences».
She defended Master’s Thesis on topic «Breaking the 100 kDa barrier using phase plate cryogenic electron microscopy».
Current position:
Trifonov Dimitar
The first level of education: University of Applied Sciences Krems, BSc in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.
He graduated Tomsk State University and Maastricht University in 2018.
He got two diplomas (State documents) and degrees of Master in the area of Physics in TSU indicating educational programme «Physics methods and informational technologies in biomedicine» and
Master biomedical sciences in UM indicating educational programme «Biomedicine in Life Sciences».
He defended Master’s Thesis on topic «Modeling exercise dynamics in the paced heart».
Current position:

Evers Tom Maria Jozef
The first level of education: Maastricht University, Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences.
He graduated Tomsk State University and Maastricht University in 2018.
He got two diplomas (State documents) and degrees of Master in the area of Physics in TSU indicating educational programme «Physics methods and informational technologies in biomedicine» and
Master biomedical sciences in UM indicating educational programme «Biomedicine in Life Sciences».
He defended Master’s Thesis on topic «Potentiating nk-cell anti-tumour reactivity against breast cancer in a suppressive microenvironment».
Current position: