Vladimir Demkin,
Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Head of the Department of General and Experimental Physics at Tomsk State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of the International Informatisation Academy, Winner of the President of the Russian Federation’s Prize in Education in 2001, Deputy Director of the Laboratory.
Prof. dr. Vladimir Demkin graduated from Physics Faculty, Tomsk State University.
Research interests: atomic physics and atomic spectroscopy, atomic processes in external fields, plasma physics, gas discharge physics, theory and methodology of professional education, education and science informatisation, open and distance education.
E-mail: demkin@ido.tsu.ru
Olga Tchaikovskaya,
Professor Tomsk State University.
Research interests: electronic exited states, photophysics and photochemical processes
Professional services performed other normal employment:
Postdoc position in Ecole Normale Superieure, Department de Chimie, UMR, CNRS, 8640, PASTEUR, Paris, France (2001-2002), in lab. of Prof. Monique Martin.
First European Shot Course on Principles & Applications of Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy, October 20-24, 2003, Berlin, Germany.
Biophotonics school of NATO Advanced Study Institute in Biophotonics, Ottawa, Ontario,Canada, September 29th – Octobe 9th, 2004.
Training – The study of the efficiency of persistent toxic substances degradation under barrier discharge exciplex lamps for further creation of technology based on phototreatment of industrial effluents, traineeship program, Chemical Engineering Faculty, Spain, Murcia, University of Murcia, in lab. of Prof. Jose Luis Comez Carrasco, September 1 – November 30, 2011, September 15– October 30, 2012.
Contacts: e-mail: tchon@phys.tsu.ru
Vasily Fokin,
Doctor of Engineering, Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Cybernetics with a Course of Medical Informatics of Siberian State Medical University.
He graduated from the Physics Department of Tomsk State University.
Research interests: multivariate analysis of biomedical data, mathematical modeling in biology and medicine.
Contacts: e-mail: fokinvasal@yandex.ru
Maria Karpova,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Microbiology and Virology Department of Siberian State Medical University.
Maria Karpova graduated from the Medical Faculty of Tomsk Medical Institute.
Research interests: tick-borne infections, reaction of the blood system to infectious diseases, antimicrobial activity of substances and materials.
Contacts: e-mail: mrkarpova@mail.ru
Viktor Cherepanov,
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor at the Chair of Optics and Spectroscopy of the Physics Department of Tomsk State University.
He graduated from the Department of Radiophysics of Tomsk State University.
Research interests: Physics and Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters.
Contacts: e-mail: vnch@phys.tsu.ru
Leonid Sinitca,
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor.
Research interests:
Contacts: e-mail:
Elena Starikova,
Doctor of medical science, associate professor of biochemistry department, vice-dean of General Medicine faculty.
She graduated form of Tomsk Medical University in 2005.
Research interests: Host immunity during infectious disease, host-parasite interaction.
Contacts: e-mail: elena.g.starikova@yandex.ru
Ekaterina Karlovets,
PhD in Physics, Associate Professor at the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy of the Faculty of Physics at Tomsk State University.
She graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Research interests: Molecular spectroscopy atmospheric gases.
Contacts: e-mail: ekarlovets@gmail.com
Ivan Tolmachev,
PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Cybernetics of Siberian State Medical University.
He graduated from Siberian State Medical University.
Research interests: devices and systems for medical purposes, perinatology.
Contacts: e-mail: ivantolm@mail.ru
Ivan Osikhov,
PhD in Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Biology and Genetics, Assistant Professor of the Department of Health Service Organization and Public Health of Siberian State Medical University.
He graduated from the Medico-Biological Faculty of Siberian State Medical University in 2011.
Research interests:
- Pathological physiology, molecular medicine, history of medicine, biology and genetics.
- Study of intercellular interaction in the pathogenesis of inflammation in metabolic syndrome (cells of adipose tissue).
- Personalized medicine and biomarkers as a new approach to the treatment and prevention of diseases.
Contacts: e-mail: osikhov.25-88@yandex.ru
Irina Zhukova,
MD, PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Siberian State Medical University.
She graduated Siberian State Medical University in 2005.
Research interests:
- Movement disorders. Dementia and other degenerative diseases.
- Research on genetics, pharmacogenetics and biochemical markers of neurological diseases.
- Epidemiological research in Neurology.
Contacts: e-mail: irzhukova@inbox.ru
Yulia Dorofeeva
Assistant Teacher in the Biology and Genetics Department of SSMU; junior research associate at the Central Research Laboratory, SSMU.
2006-2013 Siberian State Medical University, Medico-biological faculty, biochemist;
2013-2014 Siberian State Medical University, Internship and Residency Department, specialist at clinical laboratory service;
2016-Present National Research Tomsk State University, Biological Institute, Master program: «Animal models in translational medicine»;
2017- Present National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, translator (English language) in biomedical field.
Research interests: immunogenetics, parasitology, chronical non-communicable diseases, in vitro and in vivo modelling.
e-mail: julia.dorofeeva25@gmail.com
Mikhail Svetlik,
PhD in Biology, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Cybernetics of Siberian State Medical University.
He graduated from the Medical-Biological Department of Siberian State Medical University.
Research interests: biomedical data analysis, studies of the functional activity of the brain.
Contacts: e-mail: mihasv@rambler.ru
Dmitry Petrov,
PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Chair of Optics and Spectroscopy of the Physics Department of Tomsk State University, researcher of the laboratory of the Ecological Instrument Making of the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems.
He graduated from the Department of Radiophysics of Tomsk State Univesity.
Research interests: optics, Raman spectroscopy, gas analysis.
Contacts: Dpetrov@imces.ru

Evgenyi Telminov,
PhD of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Quantum Electronics and Photonics of Tomsk State University, senior researcher of the laboratory of Organic Electronics, Siberian State Medical University.
He graduated from the Department of Radiophysics of Tomsk State University.
Research interests: laser physics, research in the field of lasers based on complex organic compounds, principles of modulation of laser radiation.
Contacts: e-mail telminov@sibmail.com
Tatiana Rudenko,
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Experimental Physics of Tomsk State University.
She graduated from the Institute of Biology of Tomsk State University in 1995.
Research interests: study on informatization of education in relation to the system of higher and further education; organization of the system of higher education, education quality assessment.
Contacts: e-mail rudenko@ido.tsu.ru
Maksim Pleshkov,
Master in Physics, Senior lecturer of the Department of General and Experimental Physics of Tomsk State University (TSU), junior researcher of the Laboratory of Modelling of Physical Processes in Biology and Medicine.
He graduated from Physics faculty of TSU in 2015, also studied biomedicine in Maastricht University (the Netherlands) in 2014-2015.
Research interests: mathematical modelling, biomedicine, biophysics.
Contacts: e-mail: pankerams@gmail.com
Vladislava Churuksaeva,
PhD of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Department of Numerical Mathematics and Computer Modeling, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, TSU.
Education: MMath, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, TSU.
Research interests: computational geophysics, river flow modeling, multiphase flows, turbulence modeling, parallel programming, high-accuracy computational methods in CFD.
Instruments: C++ (+OpenMP and MPI), ANSYS Fluent, Python, Matlab.
Contacts: e-mail: Chu.VV@mail.ru