Master’s thesis topics 2016

Name of master student
Master’s thesis topics
1. Dmitrii Starkov Physics modeling of vestibular system in order to construct transfer function of semicircular canals/


Физическое моделирование вестибулярного аппарата с целью построения передаточной функции полукружных каналов



From UM:

Herman Kingma, PhD, Professor of Maastricht University



From TSU:

Vladimir Demkin,

professor of Tomsk State University,

doctor of Physics and Mathematics


2. Valeriia Gulaia CD16-binding recombinant bispecific antibodies for multiple myeloma and breast cancer treatment, algorithms for recognition and analysis of stained tumor cell microscopic pictures/


CD16-связывающие рекомбинантные биспецифические антитела в лечении множественной миеломы и рака молочной железы, алгоритмы распознавания и анализа опухолевых клеток по цветным изображениям

From UM:

Wilfred TV Germeraad, PhD, Associate Professor of Maastricht University



From TSU:

Vladimir Syryamkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of


3. Abraham Christoffel Ignatius

van Steen

Analysis of mechanisms of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell genes regulation by nanostructure environments, interaction between cell shape and signaling pathways/


Анализ механизмов регуляции генов мезенхимных стволовых клеток при помощи наноструктурных сред, взаимосвязи формы клеток и сигнальных путей


From UM:

Dr. Jan de Boer, Full professor and  chair of cBITE at the MERLN Institute



From TSU:

Vladimir Udut

doctor of medical sciences, Member of RAS, Deputy Director of Institute of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine,

senior research fellow at the Laboratory for Modelling of Physical Processes in Biology and Medicine
