List of licensed resources
with sections and journals of Medicine
Annual Reviews |
Fields: Biomedicine, Life Science, Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences.
Annual Reviews – 1936–2006 Unlimited access is available by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
American Chemical Societyavailable since Dec.12, 2015 |
Scientific journals of Chemistry and related sciences of the American Chemical Society.
Access to full–text articles – since 1996 The access is available by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. Subjects: Biochemistry: Agrochemical Bioregulators , Animal Nutrition , Biochemical Genetics , Biochemical Methods , Enzymes, Fermentation and Bioindustrial Chemistry, General Biochemistry , Immunochemistry , Mammalian Biochemistry, Mammalian Hormones , Mammalian Pathological Biochemistry , Microbial, Algal, and Fungal Biochemistry , Nonmammalian Biochemistry, Pharmacology , Plant Biochemistry , Radiation Biochemistry , Toxicology |
Cambridge University Press |
Multidisciplinary database of journals published by the Cambridge University Press (Great Britain)
List of available journals The access is available till December 31, 2015 by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Nature |
Journals of Natural Sciences published by Nature Publishing Group.
The access is available since 1869. The access is available till September 31, 2015 by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Oxford Journals |
Oxford University Journals of different disciplines.
Access to full–text articles – since 1996 The access is available by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. 169 journals starting with the first number are available on the website of the publishing house. |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
Journals of Royal Society of Chemistry of Great Britain
Available journals: Chemical Communications, Chemical Society Reviews, Dalton Transactions, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics The Archive of the RSC journals from 1841 to 2007 is available. The access is available till December 31, 2015 by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Sage |
Collection of journals in Arts, Social Sciences, Technology, Natural Sciences and Medicine
All journals are available since January 1, 1800 The access is available till September 30, 2015 by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Springer |
Journals published by Springer since 1832 except for the journals, which have been published since 2009.
Russian collection of the publishing house “MAIK Nauka” (in English). Books 2005-2010,2012-2013 Book Series 1902-1996, about 20 book series E-References 2005-2010 The access is available till August 31, 2015 by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Taylor&Francis |
Multidisciplinary database published by Taylor & Francis (Metapress)
About 1500 names of journals Access to full–text articles – since 1997 The access is available till August 31, 2015 by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Wiley Online Library |
More than 1500 journals in different fields published by John Wiley & Son, Inc.
Access to full–text articles – since 1997 The access is available till December 31, 2015 by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Citation database by Elsevier
Bibliographic information, information on citation, links to full texts The access is available till December 31, 2015 by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Journal Citation Reports |
Database of Thomson Reuters providing citation data (impact factor, publication efficiency index, etc.) from leading scientific journals.
The access is available till December 31, 2015 by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Web of Science |
Citation database by Thomson Reuters
Bibliographic information, information on citation, links to full texts Data is available since 1975 The access is available till December 31, 2015 by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Elsevier (subscription) |
Journals published by Elsevier on the platform ScienceDirect.
Multidisciplinary database of Elsevier Publisher. About 2000 names of journals. Access to full-text articles – since 2000. The access is available by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
JSTOR (subscription) |
The archives of journals of Arts, Social and Natural Sciences.
12 Art & Sciences collections are available Embargo – 3-5 years. The access is available by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
Ebrary (subscription) |
Full texts of more than 70000 books.
Fields: Social Sciences, Health Care and Medicine, Science and Technology The access is available by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (subscription) |
Database containing Master’s and PhD thesis and final research papers in all fields of knowledge.
The information since 1639. The access is available by using computers of TSU network. Password is not required. |